Add a purchase option policy
  • 03 May 2023
  • 1 Minute to read
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Add a purchase option policy

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Article summary

Your purchase option cancellation policy (formerly called Subscription policy) is found in the Shopify admin Settings section. After logging in to your store, click Settings in the lower left and then open the Policies section. Scroll to the bottom of the page and edit (or create) the text found in the Purchase options cancellation policy text area. You can use the button "Replace with template" to start with template text provided by Shopify (shown below).

Only certain purchase options may apply to your store. If you are only offering subscriptions then you can remove the sections for pre-orders and try before you buy. 

Depending on how you have configured Subscription Herder you should adjust the text of the Subscription section to reflect the requirements around customer cancellation. For example, if you require customers to complete 2 payment cycles before they can cancel then that information should be included here.

When you are finished be sure to save your policy.

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